Closed loop off-line with syringe autosampler for dissolution tests according to the Flow-Through method (USP 4)
Model: SOTAX CE 7smart Off-line closed system
Flow-Through Cell (Apparatus 4) instrument with pump and fraction collector including a syringe autosampler (Designed for semi-automated USP 4 methods in closed loop with low volume sampling (e.g. medical devices and drug eluting stents elution methods)
Cells available for tablets, capsules, powders, APIs, lipophilic forms, suppositories, suspensions, liposomes, microspheres, semi-solids, implants and medical devices (Testing of several dosage forms, including novel dosage forms, in dedicated cells)
Ideal for small media volume testing (Ideal system for stents and medical devices elution testing)
Sample collection in closed HPLC vials or test tubes with up to 29 rows (Allows small volumes sampling during longterm testing down to 100 μl or micro liters)
Controlled by CE 7smart firmware (Password protected methods and printed reports)
Built-in needle rinsing system (Carry-over prevention)